
BEYOND THE HYPHEN: Approaching a post geographic Cuba (April 9-April 10, 2014, Princeton University) brought together academics and artists during a two days Conference to talk about the newly-emerging modes of communication and interchange between Cuba and the rest of the world.  This event was unique and unprecedented at Princeton University or any other American institution. We’re honored to host as a special guest internationally-renowned artist Tania Bruguera who discussed her art vision with a panel of Princeton University professors. Other panels explored topics pertaining to contemporary Cuban art and literature. BTH also launched a poetry and short fiction reading along with a multimedia exhibition of younger artists.

About the Organizers

RICARDO MAYO: Mayo is a 4th-year Comparative Literature major at Princeton University, specializing in the languages of Spanish, French, Portuguese and Arabic. His senior thesis is a comparative study of Franco-Algerian and Cuban-American literature in the late 20th century.

LIZABEL MONICA: Escritora y artista multidisciplinaria. Fundadora del proyecto internacional Desliz en 2007 (http://proyectodesliz.blogspot.com; http://revistadesliz.blogspot.com) y creadora del sitio Cuba Fake News (http://cubafakenews.blogspot.com). Estudia para obtener el doctorado en Latin American Studies por el departamento Spanish & Portuguese de Princeton University. Tanto en su obra como en su trabajo editorial y curatorial Lizabel Mónica se especializa en investigar las relaciones entre la literatura, artes y nuevas tecnologías.


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